Saturday, February 04, 2006

SEO School

Internet Marketing

How much sense does It make to develop business 2 business or consumer Keywords that are seldom used?

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There are two Online schools of thought here. One SEO School says that the keywords selected to be used throughout the website should be the least competitive keywords and misspellings included, so it is much more likely to be found in the search results. The other SEO School says to develop the natural keywords throughout the website along with logical variations of keyword phrases including plural uses of the keyword and various tenses using proper writing syntax and grammar.

If we follow the first SEO School, a website may start showing up in the top results for very seldom searched for keyword phrases. While in the other SEO School, because of the numbers of pages with the same keywords, web pages are less likely to show up due to excessive competition.

Natural Language Writing vs Keyword Search Variations

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Actually, I believe that both are right and both are wrong. First and foremost, I believe the emphasis should be on natural language writing and logical uses of the keywords. This will no doubt require extensive research, reading, and writing of quality content. It will certainly take an extended period of time to make a marketing impact in the various keyword market segments. At the same time, it is important to also develop other lesser used variations of those keywords and keyword phrases to help establish an online site theme or a type of Internet marketing trend in what a website is about.

Search Engine Optimization Shortcuts

SEOs have used extensive Black Hat search engine shortcut tactics in the past for getting a website to the top of the search results. As search engine algorithms have improved, these black hat optimization tactics are becoming less effective. The emphasis today should be on developing good content, proper link building throughout the website, proper titles and meta tags, ethical search engine optimization strategies, unique marketing and advertising messages, and certainly strategic link building with various related topics and websites.

Measuring Search Engine Software Algorithms

Internet Marketing
No search engine company is going to come out and tell you exactly what is required to get your web page or website up to the top in the search engine results. First off, every search engine company on the Internet wants to have the best results possible. If a search engine tells you exactly what to do, then everyone would try to do the exact same thing. There are a multitude of variables that are factors in attaining top standing in the results. We can not control what Google, Yahoo, or MSN do in their algorithms. So, what we can control is the content and layout of websites under our control.

Relevant Information For Search Engines and Users

The number one goal of any website should be to provide quality content to get found online. Algorithms and software improvements at the Search Engines have made great strides in evaluating keywords throughout the page and site, along with Natural Language Processing (NLP), Text Analysis, and Automatic Classification Systems are some of the key areas for establishing what a website is all about. The days of just pasting a whole bunch of keywords over the entire page or hiding the keywords in the underlying html code to get a website in the top search results is all but over. Sure, there still are websites in the search results list that do this type of hiding of keywords, but that is only because other parts of the software algorithms might give higher Page Rank [Google PageRank™] to these pages based on the number of pages that link to them on the Internet.

Developing a Keyword Search Engine

It becomes exceedingly difficult for Search Engines to say how much is too much for certain types of keywords in the body text. There are an infinite number of variables for establishing the density of a keyword. Certainly, the difficulty becomes even greater when one considers the use of certain words having different meanings for different industries. Then there is the aspect of how the word is used in the context of the text itself. Natural Language Writing has different styles, such as Argumentative, Narrative, Enunciative, and Descriptive Styles; along with different uses of grammar and even the proper spelling and even misspellings can significantly alter how a search engine responds to the classification and Keyword Density of the page.

Additional Factors in Keyword Analysis

Graph Showing the Keyword Relationships in a Document

Search Algorithms need to be able to filter through all of the other words in a website. Every single word that is placed on a web page can have some degree of influence over the whole of the page and even the website itself. Simple words like: them, your, you, it, or, AND even and, need to be filtered and evaluated. Too many uses of those words in the web page can throw off the algorithm. Relationships exist between all words. The proximity of the Online words relative to each other, will also influence the software algorithms of what the page is about (See Keyword Graph.) Writing on the Web has to be tightened up and more focused toward subject matter to become successful in establishing new pages online, especially when it comes to the highly competitive Internet keywords.

Capitalization, Bold Text, Font Size, Font Placement

To grasp the degree of difficultly that Search Engines face in cataloging a website is to consider what needs to be analyzed from their perspective. By somewhat of a Reverse Engineering Marketing aspect we can gain insight into what is looked at for establishing the ranking in the search engine results. Capitalization, bold text, font size, and font placement are all factors in page analysis. For example: as Google Search algorithms have improved and certainly expanded over time to include other website factors, the weight factor given to each of these variables has changed slightly and in some instances drastically.

Search Engines and the Learning Curve

I believe that we are all on a learning curve. Search engines are continually learning about the World Wide Web by constantly traveling the Net with their Robots that catalog the pages. Then with analysis software, the companies can determine the so-called Mean, Mode, and Median of any particular criteria within the page or search results they wish to analyze. With such analysis, they then can tighten or loosen a set of parameters to slightly change or drastically change the results. Every update to a search engine algorithm in-turn creates a new round of learning by all the SEO Webmasters of the world. Through this type of online school teaching, the SEO is constantly being trained toward better content writing and layout quality. The whole of search is also trained, because as creativity and new technology are implemented into websites, along with the popularity of other types of online content sites, the search companies can continue to upgrade and improve their algorithms to reflect these new changes.

Professional Web Services, Inc., is a SEO strategy, Internet marketing services, online advertising strategies, and a Web branding solutions company. Contact us today for Search Engine Internet Marketing Services for your B2B or B2C business.

Article by: Jim Warholic

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Monday, December 05, 2005

Contrarian Internet Marketing Viewpoints

Internet Marketing Viewpoints
By: James A. Warholic

Strategic Marketing
Strategic marketing involves deciding what links to place on your home page.

Internet Marketing
Is your business a household branded name image like Google, Yahoo, or MSN? Maybe it is, maybe it isn’t.

Making a decision of what information and links to place on your home page definitely involves a lot of marketing strategy, search engines commonsense, and an innate wisdom of understanding your business role on the Internet.

First off Google makes a decision on what to place on their home page with the understanding that their brand name is already getting a lot of household recognition. It is not like people have to go searching and shopping for in another search engine for the site to show up in the results. Most people either have it bookmarked, in their favorites, stored on a browser tool bar, side bar, set up as their own customized home page, or simply type it into the browser to go to the website.

Once on the Google home page the most important items for Google are placed on the home page and recently have become customizable. Their decision of what goes here is based on a marketing strategy in which they understand their role on the Internet. Yahoo and MSN make their own decisions based on their roles on the Internet. Black and white comparisons of your business website to Google, Yahoo, or MSN without taking into account the full brand name realization and role that your business has online would be very foolish.

Marketing Experts

Many seasoned marketing experts, but not necessarily search engine marketing experts, talk about having a home page like Google for your business. If you are another household name like Google, then that might be the way to go. However, the majority of websites online are some variation of a B2B, B2C, or C2C businesses or personal sites with many different aspects to consider when deciding what links and information to place on the home page.

Take a look at At any particular time there are well over 150 links on their home page. How much sense would it make to only have 7 to 15 links on a website like this?

When people go to eBay they expect to look for, or list certain items for bid. It really is helpful to have a logical word link on their home page to take an individual to whatever subject matter they would like to see. When a list of categories are displayed it can actually help spur an individual’s mind into action. eBay recognizes their branded role on the Internet as being a place where people can buy and sell items online.

Google vs. eBay

Consider both Google and eBay as quite unique in their different approaches. Both of these companies are well known for different reasons. Google has a brand name image of a search engine first and foremost. Their idea is to catalog the world’s information and put it at the fingertips of the consumer, business, and research searcher. eBay on the other hand is a place first and foremost where people place items for sale and others can bid on the items. Certainly both of these companies could develop products or services that are similar. In fact, Google has recently come out with Google Base, a place to list items for sale, share information online, or even post employment ads. eBay could get into the search engine business if they wanted; similar to Amazon coming out with A9 Search. In that particular case, the company would have to rethink the logistics of how many links to place on the home page of the search division. Each one of these companies have probably invested into market research to decide on what is placed on the home page. As the examples show, each company came up with a different marketing solution.

Marketing Your Online Business Identity Brand

Is your business a one product or service company? If the answer is yes, then having less links and text writing on the home page would make sense. However, if a company is multifaceted, and offers a multitude of products and services, it will require much more in the way of a body text description and links within the home page to portray the product or services information to a potential new customer.

Customers may see your business in a different light than you see your business. If certain B2B or B2C businesses try to portray themselves within a very narrow market spectrum this might be alienating a whole sub sector of the market place that views certain products or services by a different adapted application of a product sold. Likewise, describing a company very narrowly on the home page may be creating this situation of alienation. Most companies will not realize the alienation imparted because they will be leaving out an extensive collection of keywords for the search engines to find from their website and thus will simply not show up in the Search Engine Results. These businesses may not realize the different adopted keywords that might be used by certain business sectors simply because they failed to do the research. The amount of information in the home page does not tell the whole story.

Website Is A Folder Of Information

Internet Marketing
A website is not a book. It is a folder of information. A search engine catalogs the information and through the search engine algorithms places one or two pages into the search engine results pages for pertinent data. When a searcher online is looking for the specific keyword data that resides in the pages, a specific page will be displayed in the results. If the search algorithm selects a specific page in which the likelihood of it being relative to the search query then it will be displayed. The likelihood of a specific page being displayed in the results for keywords not included in the body text is less likely than if the keywords are included in the text. For that reason alone, it is imperative to use the appropriate keywords throughout the site. That is not saying that every page should have the same keywords but pages that talk about specific topics should include related keywords and phrases for the topic at hand.

Since a search engine does not necessarily display the home page when a search is conducted online, it is important to understand that someone will more than likely enter a website through a number of pages in the website itself. If your business website includes an extensive collection of information, multiple products and services, or manufacturing and technology equipment used to fabricate a wide product variety then it is extremely important to build the website using all of the phrases related to your industry or industries.

Marketing Strategy

So, if your idea is to have a very narrow marketing strategy, into a very narrow market segment then do not include a lot of information on your home page. On the other hand, if you want to expand market reach, obtain more sales leads, and grow your business with new products or services provided, then it is much more important to develop the home page to try and represent these things as concisely as possible but to use industry specific terms for the search engines to find you. In my book, especially for businesses looking to expand market share it is important to develop the entire website to build on the information available. Only then, will pages start showing up in other search engine results.

Each business needs to ask the same questions. Who is my target audience? What am I trying to say? What is the best way of saying it? The answers for each of these are going to be different for every single company. This is stepping out of the written business plan environment and succinctly stating what your business is about on the Internet. For some businesses this will continue to evolve and for many businesses it will need to be continually updated and adjusted as prevailing market trends and conditions change or the company continues to expand into other fields of interest.

So, the comparison of the number of links to Google or eBay vs. another B2B, B2C, or C2C business website is not the correct comparison when taking everything into account. Each particular website has its own set of variables for deciding what information should be placed online.

Inside Outside Strategic Marketing Evaluation

The only way an evaluation comparison can be done is to take a look at the business as a whole from both the inside as well as the outside. Looking at a business strictly from the outside, may produce a skewed strategic marketing evaluation. The process of developing, maintaining, and adding to a website will require significant research, understanding of the different business variables, interviewing and spending time with the principal owners, managers, and sales people of the company, and maybe even research into the type of customer and engineers that are targeted, along with obtaining an understanding of the products, services, and equipment provided to all of the various industries.

Professional Web Services, Inc.
James A. Warholic
Strategic Marketing
Internet Marketing Services, Online Advertising Strategies, Search Engine Optimization, AdWords Management, Website Branding Solutions, To Provide More Sales For You. Providing Services, Strategies, And Solutions For B2B, B2C, and C2C.

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Monday, November 07, 2005

Expand Market Reach Online

Succesfully expand your sales and market reach. Develop new market segments by utilizing Internet Marketing, Search marketing, And web branding strategies and Sales solutions from Professional Web Services, Inc. and PPC Online Advertising such as Google AdWords.

For The Business to Consumer Industry B2C
RESTON, VA, March 21, 2006comScore Networks today released results from a new research study that confirms the importance of search in influencing offline buying. The results show that 25 percent of searchers purchased an item directly related to their query, and that of those buyers, 37 percent completed their purchase online. An even greater 63 percent completed a purchase offline following their search activity.

Globalization of The Business to Business Technical Industry B2B
Your Web Site
"With 98 percent of engineers using the Internet for work and over 90 percent using it to research technical products, your company’s Web site is one of your most significant marketing vehicles for reaching your target audience."

Purchasing Managers, Buyers, and Purchasing Agents

Use of the Internet for finding suppliers is on the rise for Purchasing Managers, Buyers, and Purchasing Agents.
Purchasing managers, buyers, and purchasing agents evaluate suppliers based upon price, quality, service support, availability, reliability, and selection. To assist them in their search, they review catalogs, industry periodicals, directories, trade journals, and Internet sites.

Are Potential New B2B And B2C Customers Finding You Online?

The fact is more and more engineers, purchasing managers, consumers, buyers, and Small Business owners are going online to find the products and services that they need. These searches are conducted via the keywords entered into the search engines for every single industry on the plant. These keywords range on everything: from individual products, types of processes, consumer goods, business equipment, and manufacturing and fabrication services.

Niche Market Segments

By implementing targeted keyword advertisements and setting aside an Online advertising budget we can effectively target market segments and increase sales that would be very expensive to reach in the old traditional ways of advertisement spending in various engineering, print magazines, and trade journals. Or, even in the consumer market place where catalogs and direct marketing can be quite expensive as compared to online ads. Additionally the sales ROI of Online advertising can be very good compared to that of other forms from of advertisement spending such as print media, Yellow Pages, and even Tradeshows.

Pay Per Click PPC Ads

The type of online advertising I am referring to is known as Pay-Per-Click, PPC advertising and just like the name says - your account is charged when someone clicks on the ad. The ranking of the Ads displayed (position of ad on page) is based on an automatic bidding process and relevancy of the ad itself.

Local, National/International Ads Placements

As the advertiser, you have complete control on what keywords are targeted, what you are willing to pay for the cost of a click, and what your daily budget is going to be, plus being able to control where the ads are displayed; unlike the purchasing of a single placement ad through a media agency specialist for the Yellow Pages. Ads can be targeted Geographically, Locally, Nationally, And Internationally along with inclusion into affiliates and content related website networks. Maximize ROI — More than one advertising campaign can be set up at the same time to target several different industries or groups of keywords for different market segments.

Where Does The Online Advertising Click Take A Person?

The place a person is transported to is a page on a website, known as the Landing Page. The landing page is a targeted web page that has the information related to the ad itself. The page should be relevant to the topic at hand and provide an additional call to action item such as, contact us, go to another page for additional information, call us on the phone, or sign up for a Free Technical Marketing Newsletter. If the visitor follows the path set forth then this is considered a good conversion.

Importance Of Understanding A Website

A website is not like a book that you start at the beginning and read through. Most people are very specific in the type of information that they are looking for. Typically when a search is conducted, the person finding a page online is going to read the specific information on that page and any other related hyperlinks will be followed depending on what the person is interested in.

Organic Search Engine Data Results Pages

When someone does a search query on the Internet they type keywords into the search box. The natural or organic results are made up of websites that the search engine algorithms have cataloged as being the best results for that particular searched for term. Obtaining good SERPs, Search Engine Ranking Results Pages for your site involves: adding new content pages, editing and maintaining content up-to-date on older pages, adding new body text on older pages with the keywords specifically targeted to your target industries, and a host of other on site and off site variables for Help in obtaining good rankings. For an example of an off site variable that Helps with rankings would be the number and quality of websites that link back to your site or individual pages on your website.

Internet Marketing Strategies

The term Internet marketing is the field of marketing a business on the World Wide Web. This encompasses everything from keyword optimization on a website, upgrading the structural layout and underlying code design, improving text and image layout, COPYWRITING creativity, writing ads for online advertising, strategic business web branding, email marketing, creative online advertising PowerPoint presentations, and a host of other high-tech tools such as detailed videos, managing corporate blogs and producing webcasts, or implementing new Web Applications that can display engineering drawings in 3d which can provide additional insight for a potential customer.

What Is It Going To Take

To make internet marketing a success will involve substantial work from both your company and Professional Web Services.

Many times businesses have put websites together and think that is it. Other times some businesses think, we hardly get anyone visiting our website so we don’t have to worry about it. Both of these thoughts are definitely WRONG. Placing a website online is a reflection of your company. Not having information that is current can be a major turn off for potential new customers not to mention the legal liability issues of having false or misleading information online. Additionally, the reason some companies do not get any business from their websites is simply because of the lack of proper Internet marketing strategies. Many of the websites typically lack the proper foundation to begin with, and no concerted effort has been placed into developing the whole process.

Developing the website properly will take a partnership arrangement between both Professional Web Services and the client. Start with by developing a strategic marketing plan of attack after first analyzing the client’s website and online search engine exposure. Once a site is analyzed for layout and form then determine what needs to be fixed. Items such as layout and content will more than likely have to be improved by eliminating spam of certain keywords and copywriting editing to strengthen and expand upon other keyword areas. Additional content with well placed Digital Camera pictures along with detailed captions would be recommended to show some sample products and talk about generalities or Non-Proprietary specifics related to the industry market segments being targeted. Certainly being aware of non-disclosure agreements and not talking about specifics where these NDAs exist would be Legally & Ethically important to follow, including obtaining Releases for any type of OEM pictures or personally identifiable information.

An example of something from a website that is a poor reflection of the company is in the following side by side statements:
“… process of upgrading and implementing its quality manual and management system to ISO 9002 requirements. … engaging the British Standards Institute, BSI to provide guidance and registration, … anticipates certification before the end of 1999.”

While that statement made sense back in 1999 it shows that the page is quite out-of-date and should be changed or the statement removed altogether if this is not true.

Another example of something that is very poor from a search engine standpoint is a home page foundational structure with no written text. There is absolutely no body text content in the page. The whole page is little more than a graphic image which provides nothing in the way of body text content. Here is the entire actual code from a home page (slight modifications to protect privacy):
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//SQ//DTD HTML 2.0 + all extensions//EN" "hmpro3.dtd">
<TITLE>Stolen Intellectual Property</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY BACKGROUND="darksky.jpeg" TEXT="#80EFEF"><IMG
SRC="world.jpeg" WIDTH="520" HEIGHT="417">
<P><A HREF="aboutus.html"><IMG
SRC="aboutt.jpeg" BORDER="0"></A><A
SRC="sourcet.jpeg" BORDER="0"></A><A
SRC="locationt.jpeg" BORDER="0"></A><A
SRC ="qat.jpeg" BORDER="0"></A><A
SRC="emailt.jpeg" BORDER="0"></A></P></FORM></BODY></HTML>

For a person to understand what all the different terms mean is not necessary, but please do understand that what you see above is all that the search engines see. A page needs to have body text to start showing up in the search engines results pages. The background of the home page is a darksky.jpeg image and all the links are graphic image links which do very little in helping you get found online.

Costs Involved

First and foremost there will be a substantial time commitment from both a client and Professional Web Services. Time will most definitely need to be set aside for developing the new content and revision of old subject matter. Professional Web Services, Inc. will work closely with you to develop the new content and revision of the old. There will have to be brainstorming discussions of the targeted keywords and the various different market segments that you would like to target along with detailed discussions of web pages and what exactly you want to say.

Before running a PPC Online advertising campaign we would recommend developing the website properly. We would suggest setting aside an appropriate amount for the overall online advertising campaign spending, depending on the industry and current bidding of the targeted keywords. An appropriate set aside amount would provide the capabilities of running several different advertising campaigns targeting different market segments or keywords.

Quality Website Link Building Process

Redoing, revising, adding to, and maintaining the website on a monthly basis to improve the keyword quality, plus quality link building is the type of program for your business that we would recommend. We install an analytical metrics application tool embedded into a website to monitor and provide real-time data metrics for: visitor actions, pages viewed, time spent on a page, where visitors come from, and keyword analysis, while also providing access for our clients to use as an additional marketing tool. The real-time data metrics provided can be extremly helpful for improving the site layout and design, plus Online data feedback for the client.

There may be some additional recommended fees to establish a website in some online directories. This has the benefit of bringing traffic to the website as well as giving a quality link for the search engines to see.

Why Spend Money On The Website?

Go back to the quotes above. Look at the numbers of people; consumers, buyers, purchasing managers, purchasing agents, and engineers searching online. All it takes is to get a couple of orders and the site or site improvements are paid for. A new customer and new market segment can bring in thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars annually to the bottom line.

Sales Strategies

A good website is a 24/7 x 365 days a year SALESMAN. This salesman never gets tired, no need to pay health insurance premiums on, do not have to set aside state disability insurance, and no need to pay taxes for this salesman. This salesman can work for you In The Future, even when you are not able to. With the Future Of Our Global Economy and the Free Trade And Globalization impact on individual businesses, the only way to truly reach the world is with good B2B and B2C business websites. Simply put, No other marketing form can do what this one Sales tool can do for you. Plus, by developing a Good Web Site this can help in other forms of future marketing.

For example when talking with someone about a certain type of product or application imagine the type of impression that would be made if you could send an email link to a page on your website where it could explain more information with picture details of something you have already done in the past. This type of marketing works and works very well.

What You Can Expect To See

Internet Marketing ServicesBy seriously venturing into this online media outlet with a strategic Internet marketing plan, and an Online advertising campaign you will start to see leads come in, along with, converting those leads into paying customers. The process will take time and there are some differences to consider between b2b vs. b2c, but in the long run it will be well worth it, with a website that you can be proud of, a place where you can direct new customers to, and an online marketing and advertising tool that can be utilized as a powerful sales tool for you in the future.

By redesigning, revising, and optimizing the pages, and establishing quality links to your website, including keyword variables, & competitiveness of the on line market place, it can take several months or more to show up in the natural search results. Once the website pages are developed that is when to implement the online advertising campaign to target the various different industries, products, or services.

Ethical Issues In Business

Business Ethics, as it relates to Internet Marketing, Online Advertising, and Client confidentiality play an important part in the working relationships between principal owners and the outsourced services to be preformed. When dealing with online issues it is important to have someone you can place trust in. Consultations, brainstorming strategy sessions, and working closely with the owners or management assigned personal will be a prerequisite of ethics for building a solid online presence.

There will be web marketing recommendations of what legally should and should not be placed on the website. Issues will cover: displaying trademarks of other companies in a website, use of trademarks in ads, intellectual property rights, nondisclosure agreements, copyrights of others and your copyrights, along with covering privacy issues, And B2B & B2C Regulatory Issues related to EMAIL, SPAM, and Truth in Advertising. Advice will also be given as it relates to not revealing technology trade secrets OR protected proprietary information to the competition. Note: The eBusiness competition will surely be checking your website out, and for that reason it is always wise to make sure what is placed on the site will not compromise the company’s intellectual property position. Making sure all of these Internet marketing and advertising ethical, legal, and regulatory laws are followed are important from the ethics, legal, and Ecommerce perspective and staying out of lawsuits or other expensive LEGAL problems.

Internet Marketing, Online advertising services, and Web branding solutions. Can potential new customers find you online? Are you hitting the mark with your Internet marketing and online advertising? Reach new global customers with keywords searching & Internet Marketing services by Professional Web Services, Inc. Consult With The Professionals

The Bottom Line

Options: Do nothing; spend no time or money on the website, never get any web traffic visitors, leads, or sales from the website, and the situation will be as before.


Spend the time and money on the Solution to potentially bring in new visitors, leads, and net brand-new customers with the potential to Net a Return On Investment of thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars annually.

James A. Warholic
Professional Web Services, Inc.

Sign up to receive the Online Published Free Newsletter to stay on top of all the technology advertising, Internet marketing, e business advertising, email, search engine algorithms, Art Of Branding, intellectual property lawsuits, and other concepts talked about here.

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Thursday, November 03, 2005

14K Gold Internet Marketing Plan

How do you reach new customers, new market segments, and increase your business exposure?

Answer: With a cost effective strategic marketing and advertising plan.

During the latter days of the twentieth century manufacturing in the United States was going gang busters. Electronics circuit board manufacturing was on a boom. Circuit board companies couldn't build the PCBs fast enough to supply the demand for all types of products. Circuit board drilling equipment was a year on backorder. Cisco Systems was building routers and switches like there was no tomorrow. Telecommunications companies were putting in their own fiber optic cables and with the dot com build-up it looked as though the growth curve would keep going. Everything was going terrific. Then the world hit Y2K which was certainly big hype but turned out to be nothing more than a little whimper. Computer programmers did their jobs before the roll-over date appeared and fixed the problems before they occurred. However, there was another problem that was unseen by a large majority of people and it affected the world as we know it.

The World As We Know It

Now it takes a 14K Gold, Internet Marketing and Online Advertising plan to get your business found globally. The days of thinking one dimensional are over. It takes a concerted creative marketing and advertising effort to reach those customers that are Internet mining for the product or services you provide.

What Sets Your Business Apart?

Think about the facts. Millions and billions of web pages are being published annually. Many of those pages have the keyword terms that your business uses. A number of those terms crossover to other areas online. Words can have multiple meanings. Usages of those words can be different for different people. Engineers can use a certain set of terms while the sales and marketing departments can use another set of terms to explain the same thing. So, how is your business going to capture your target audience?

Targeting The Keywords For Your Target Audience

The following question should always be asked before your even begin to try and do something with your website. Who is your target audience? Answering that one question is the most important foundational aspect when setting up a website. After that is answered then it is equally important to understand the lingo of how your target audience speaks. It may very well be that you are saying all the right words but not in their technical or non-technical language. If you are not talking their language then you can forget anyone finding you online for who you are targeting.

The 14K Gold Internet Marketing Plan

Professional Web Services, Inc., has the Internet marketing background, a creative online advertising style, a web branding solution that can propel your business on the Internet to capture new leads, provide quality prospects, increase sales for your business, and most of all improve the bottom line. Allow us to help your customers find you on line. (Mining for Data)

Article by: Jim Warholic

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Friday, October 14, 2005

Website Marketing and Advertising Balancing Act

The Number One Rule For A Professional Business On The Internet: Be Found Online
By: Jim Warholic

Many B2B and B2C companies loose track of this when a website is first launched online. Much effort goes into the Wow factor, with trying to make the site a flash advertisement or spending ten or twenty thousand dollars or more with a graphic design artist that knows very little about marketing from a SEO, Search Engine Optimization standpoint. In fact many of these graphic designed sites provide very little substance when it pertains to SEO. Most of these websites can not be found online.

The majority of companies in the world are the small business types. They do not have the brand recognition of a Sears, Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or Dell. Because of the brand recognition from large companies, it is very easy to find these sites online. On the other hand, small business sites may be known by their company branding in a particular market segment but not by new customers searching for what products or services are provided.

Web branding is particularly a problem in the consumer services fields such as: Realtors, Attorneys, Insurance Agents, Doctors, and Dentists. Many of these consumer services fields have taken a cookie cutter approach to building a website. In many instances the websites are built using a frame approach. This makes it very easy to put the website together for new individuals but the content is not original and can not be properly cataloged by the search engines to be included in the results for the business keywords and key phrases. Take for example a Realtor with a website from a company that produces thousands with a template driven frame system. The only difference between Realtor number one and number two is the picture and maybe the graphics on the pages. All the content within the pages are the same for all Realtors using this approach. With the large increase of Realtors in California alone, how much sense does it make, that a new site with the same content is going to show up in the SERP, search engine results pages?

To be fair, while this frame approach does have certain drawbacks from a search standpoint there are some good qualities to consider. Many of the sites have built in CRM, Customer Relation Management software that makes it very easy to maintain contact with leads and customers on an ongoing basis.

Customized Websites Internet Marketing Solutions

No need to re-invent the wheel. Customized Real Estate Websites and others can be designed and built around the frames of the cookie cutter style. This has the advantage of being able to include the CRM software and other marketing and advertising features. This certainly takes more work but the payoff in the long run will be worth it. Search Engines will begin to catalog the information and include it in their search results pages. People searching for the product or service will find the website, particularly if it is targeting a local market segment. See: Local Search Marketing And Advertising

Balancing Internet Marketing And Advertising With Eye Candy

Website functionality and visually appealing features must be balanced by the first rule: being found online. If a website is nothing but eye candy the search engines will not find and catalog it, versus having an all text site will get pretty drab and boring, with very little in the way of conversions (Having a visitor go to the next step i.e. make contact, purchase a product, sign up for a technology and online advertising newsletter, or obtain more information.)

Content Management for Increased Sales

Internet marketing and online advertising is very fluid in the dynamics of search today. Maintaining fresh content is a key to increasing the online sales that can be generated through a website. Updating a site regularly has at least two significant advantages over others. 1: Content will be fresh for regular visitors and will likely result in return trips. 2: Search engine algorithms view updated content as a positive when it comes to ranking in the SERP.

No One Said Search Engine Marketing Was Going To Be Easy
Internet Marketing services Online Advertising Strategies Web Branding solutions

There are well over one hundred factors that play into obtaining good rankings in the SERPs. The time and money costs can be significant for business today. The solution is to leverage the talents and expertise of someone with experience that have put in thousands of hours of testing, analysis, and proven ethical concepts to improve the bottom line for your B2B or B2C business. Contact Professional Web Services, Internet Marketing Services, Online Advertising Strategies, and Web Branding Solutions.

More Sales For You!

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Friday, September 30, 2005

Unique Internet Marketing Sales Messages

People are tired of the same ole B2B and B2C Brand thing on the Internet.

When a friend was job hunting and was scheduled to have interviews at various companies he was excellent at analyzing the upper managers and VPs before he even met them. Some of the companies were on the Fortune 50 and it was very easy to find news articles related to the company or individuals in the search engines. The analysis came in the form of what was said in the self released press releases and many of the rote writing of the Bios.

Marketing Creativity

Creativity is not one of the stronger suits by many of top managers and it shows in the form of what I call "Bird Seed." For those that do not know what Bird Seed is, just put together the uppercase letters and you will have it.

Internet marketing is becoming more about story telling, the good birdseed kind. When making a sales presentation to a customer in person the customer can get to know you. They can discover your mannerisms, learn how you respond to circumstances, and size you up on the type of character you are. Whereas, with the Internet and a company's website a person visiting can only read and visually look at pictures or videos. Sales in this case is only one way. While websites can include avatar characters, instant messaging feedback, and eventually voice over IP embedded in the site, it can not fully interact with a potential customer.

Internet Sales, Marketing, And Advertising Concepts

The Internet is unlike any other form of advertising media. People talk about how to increase the stickiness of a website, and to a certain degree it is true that this marketing factor needs to be addressed, but for many different websites the stickiness factor is very overrated. Each industry has a unique set of keys that unlocks the door to a person's mind. Typically there are two ways that a person finds a business online. One way is they already know your website address, OR a Search Engine Search was executed with certain keywords related to what the company does. In both of these instances a customer or new prospect was seeking information about a certain topic. Once that information is found a prospect may email or phone the company to make contact. Other times, a prospect will return to read more in-depth information related to the company or industry. Hence the website stickiness factor.

Search And Be Found

Search is the one major factor that makes the Internet different. Imagine, customers are already actually looking for what it is that your company manufactures or the services provided. Advertising on the radio or television is targeted to a broad market spectrum and in most cases requires many viewings of the Ad for it to have a marketing impact. Newspaper and Magazine advertising is more targeted to a narrower band segment but even with this, the spectrum is not as tight as the Web. With keywords advertising from Google, Yahoo, MSN, and other Search Engine companies open to all, in every single industry, provides the highest ROI and the most targeted of any other forms of advertisements. In fact, with at least one search company, local advertisements can be targeted to state, city, or even the local neighborhood. Simply put, no where else can you reach this type of market segment customer target groups on a 24x7 real time basis like you can on the World Wide Web.

Sales And Marketing Ethics

People are becoming more critical of everything written and viewed online. With the email spam that seems to flood in with hurricane force into our mailboxes on a daily basis, is it any wonder that people are calling into question everything on the Web? Yes, the Web is growing by astronomical amounts but is the information trustworthy? Taking into account the ethics factor will become more important as time goes on.

Your Internet Marketing And Online Advertising

Getting your company marketing message out is a daily challenge. Putting ones thoughts down in written form is definitely one of the toughest feats to accomplish. Meeting this challenge is a must in the twenty-first century. Penning the message together in a unique style will add validity to the trustworthiness of the message, the character of the company, and the integrity of the individuals.

Spend the time today to do it the right way.

Professional Web Services, Inc. Internet Marketing Services, Online Advertising Strategies, And Web Branding Solutions. Reach: The eBusiness Professionals

The diversity of information online can not be contained.

Signed Jim Warholic

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Saturday, September 17, 2005

Internet Marketing Creative Writing

Looking for Internet traffic to your B2B or B2C website? Relevant consumer Web Traffic is the key.

How do you go about reaching the potential clients that do not know your name, website, or the products, software, or services you sell?

Think about what you do online yourself. How do you find the particular consumer items that you need?

"Well, that's not hard to figure out, I do a Search engine Search for the Keywords Brand that I am looking for."

That was the easy part. Now, think about your B2B or B2C business enterprise. What keywords would someone search for a product or service in your business? Answering that question may be a lot tougher than you can imagine. Take for example a manufacturing company that fabricates all types of metal products across a diverse number of industries. Each industry has a different understanding of the manufacturing processes involved. In fact, your idea of what it is that you do may be 180 degrees different than what your customer says that you do. Consequently, the searches a customer might do from one industry will be totally different than that of another.

This is quite a quandary. Reaching those customers will take a creative writing approach to Internet marketing.

Placing Marketing Sugar on the Website

Ah, something sweet. The taste of sugar to the search engines and your future customers is the key to being found. Including those keywords in just the right places, with in the correct context, with just the right measurements, are the main ingredients to cooking up a batch of tasty Internet marketing messages. Topping it off, requires different pipeline sales cookies for each customer's industry.

Sure, there are other integrated Web elements that will help you start showing up in the search engines but the main ingredient still is content in the form of online writing. That is the very foundation. Without content, a website will not have the staying power to perform well for the long haul.

The online approach to marketing takes extensive time to write and edit content for the company website. Owners, presidents, and sales and marketing personnel need to implement more proactive strategies in their approach to the World Wide Web. The professional experts are sitting in your chairs. You are the Pro experts.

Take the time today to jot the notes down, write a paragraph or two, and start telling your company story. Good content managers can then use those writings and edit the message for the website.

Professional Web Services, Internet marketing and Online advertising services.

Article by: Jim Warholic

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Friday, September 16, 2005

The Power of the Written Word

Writing is the chief form of communication when it comes to marketing and advertising a product or service on the Internet.

Marketing and advertising requires the written form of communication. This can not be overstated. Everything is tied together on the Internet with words. Words are the consumer cornerstone to reaching your audience online. With over 250,000 English words (not including the technical jargon) in use today, placing a small fraction of those in a succinct way, to reach your intended audience, is becoming more important as time goes on.

We can help you reach your intended audience with creative writing, call to actions, and working in a partnership form to create, edit, and update content on your website. With our diverse technical backgrounds, sales and marketing skills, and abilities to capture the essence of your company, products, and services; your website can become a 24x7 sales, marketing, and advertising machine.

Email us today for the marketing services, strategies, and solutions.

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Are Customers Finding Your Global Business Online?

Internet Marketing and Advertising on Google™, Yahoo!®, and MSN®


Online sales and marketing requires a multi-prong Internet-marketing approach.

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Above All - Tell It Like It Is And Do It With Style!



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Name: James A. Warholic
Location: San Ramon, San Francisco, Bay Area, California, United States

Above All – We Tell It Like It Is, And Do It With Style! Any person that has known me long enough will find out that I usually get straight to the sales and marketing point. Invest your time wisely. Make a difference in the world. Each individual has something special to share that can impact the world around them. Maybe your sphere of influence is one person, maybe it is your family, business, neighborhood, or a larger group of people. But, no matter how large or small a group of people that you come in contact with, a person can effect change for the good in life. We can start today with a simple business investment, with a professional word of encouragement, a "thank you", or just a kind look that really shows that you understand and appreciate another person.


